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MATCHMAKING BUSINESS MEETINGS - a networking event co-organised with Enterprise Europe Network took part on the 4th day of the exhibition

In cooperation with Enterprise Europe Network, ABF, a.s. organised, similarly to previous years, MATCHMAKING BUSINESS MEETINGS. On 22 September 2017, representatvies of 82 participating companies from 9 countries held 174 meetings in total with the aim to connect foreign distributors and prospective clients with Czech manufacturers from the construction sector. The topic of the meetings span from essential building materials all the way to interior components. The event was open both to FOR ARCH exhibitors and also other companies that did not take part in the event.  

2017-09-23 13:43:50 More  

The 2017 FOR ARCH has started

The gates of PVA EXPO PRAGUE have opened for visitors on Tuesday, 19 September 2017. In seven halls, the visitors will see not only presentations of leading companies in the sector of building materials, doors, windows, floors, swimming pools, HVAC systems and products, and many more, but also extensive accompanying programme, lectures, seminars and presentations. The MATCHMAKING BUSINESS MEETINGS event will once again join together foreign enterprises and dealers with Czech manufacturers through a series of coordinated B2B meetings in the Congress Hall of the exhibition venue.


The opening ceremony was attended by numerous leading figures of the Czech business and government bodies, including Karla Šlechtová, the Minister of the Regional Development of the Czech Republic.

2017-09-23 13:22:07 More  

FOR ARCH 2017 to Bring Many Interesting Competitions and Conferences

New place for presentation of GRAND PRIX competition products and technologies


It will be for the first time at all when the exhibitors who got registered for the GRAND PRIX competition are to have a possibility of presenting, free of charge, their competition exhibits or technologies in the specially prepared TECHNOLOGICAL FORUM – GRAND PRIX exposition. The presentations will take place in the Hall 1 in its mobile hall. The hall is equipped with a projector and a screen, and the exhibitors can present there their technological innovations to the general public, or they can organise a small press conference. The reservation of particular time and term will be possible after the launching of the registration platform on 15 August. Those interested should not hesitate with their application for too long because the number of free terms is limited. For more information please visit in the Grand Prix section.

2017-08-29 16:34:28 More  

Do not miss Matchmaking Business Meetings FOR ARCH 2017, the 5th edition of the free B2B Business meetings

Do not miss Matchmaking Business Meetings FOR ARCH 2017, the 5th edition of the free B2B Business meetings for all interested companies,buyers, or individuals from the construction field taking place on 22 September 2017 at FOR ARCH 2017 in the Congress hall in the Entrance hall II.

Are you doing business in the building industry and are you looking for new contacts on the European market, are you thinking about extension of your activities to the Czech Republic? Are you looking for new business partners, local distributors or vendors?

Application form


2017-05-31 15:01:10 More  



GRAND PRIX competition will be awarded to the best exhibit or technology, and the expert jury will be focusing on technical parameters, progressive technology, untraditional idea, exceptional quality at an affordable price, material, environmental aspects, energy efficiency and market opportunities.


The evaluation of the submitted exhibits will take place on the first day of the trade fair right at the exhibitions of the registered companies. Winning companies will be announced and will receive the prizes at the social evening, which will take place on Wednesday 20th September 2017 in the Congress Hall directly at the exhibition area.



2017-07-20 12:22:09 More  

Can architecture change the world? Leading Mexican architect Alberto Kalach has accepted the invitation to Prague

Alberto Kalach is known for his uncompromising approach to the issues of ecology and landscape. He creates houses in harmony with nature, works with water, realises its deficit and suggests solutions. He deals with the issues of zoning and land development as well. “Architecture is the only human tool for the inhabiting of the world. Through the inhabiting process we change our surroundings and the environment, we change also the way in which we inhabit and use the world,” says Alberto Kalach, who is to have his speech at this year’s Crossroads of Architecture at the FOR ARCH Trade Fair. Please come and discuss the issues of contemporaneous architecture on Thursday 21 September to PVA EXPO PRAGUE. The lecture with a follow-up discussion is moderated by Adam Gebrian, promoter and critic of architecture.

Free entrance on the basis of the on-line registration. For more information see

2017-07-12 10:34:12 More  

Solar energy must be accumulated by intelligent households

One of the tasks of an intelligent house or intelligent household is energy independence of external suppliers. Solar panels will facilitate independence of the suppliers of electrical energy. A smart house is able to be self-sufficient in many areas and it almost does not need any surrounding resources.

Photovoltaic panels which are installed on the roofs of the houses are, however, unable to generate energy continually in the same volume with regard to weather and annual seasons, and the consumption of households is also rather changeable. The solar system usually supplies any excess of power back to the transmission grid. The owner of the house is then paid for this energy from the supplier. In case that a photovoltaic power plant does not generate enough energy, it conversely takes energy from the transmission grid. A part of a smart household is energy self-sufficiency, i.e. operation without connection to the transmission grid, and the designer’s task is therefore also to propose where and in what volume it will be possible to store the electrical energy generated.

2017-07-12 10:30:04 More  

The tallest wooden building in the world “Treet” as a topic of an exclusive lecture at the FOR ARCH Trade Fair.

This fourteen-storey wooden building is situated in Bergen, Norway. With its height of 52.8 m it was the tallest residential wooden building in the world in 2015. The bearing structure of the building consists of wooden CLT elements; the entire project is focused on sustainability and quality in the building industry. Ole Herbrand Kleppe, Chief Project Manager of BOB, the Treet building developer, will speak about the design, course of the construction work and solution of fire safety at the conference entitled “Fire safety of constructions” on 21 September at the FOR ARCH 2017 Trade Fair.

You can get registered for the conference HERE.

2017-07-12 09:45:29 More  


GRAND PRIX will win the best exhibit or technology, the expert jury will be focusing on technical parameters, progressive technology, unconventional idea, exceptional quality at an affordable price, material, ecological point of view, energy efficiency and market opportunities.

The head of the expert committee returns after a one-year break Karel Kabele, Faculty of Civil Engineering of CTU in Prague. Ladislav Brett of the Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians in Construction, Independent Expert Vladimír Galád and Pavel Košnar of the Association of Swimming Pools and Saunas of the Czech Republic - ABAS ČR in the jury will meet yet again. This year, new specialists will complete this important task for the first time - Zdeněk Lyčka, independent expert. Within the new field Security the jury will probably be complemented by an expert on this area, who we will introduce later.

2017-06-15 11:51:40 More  

Unique Heat Insulation Solar Glass from The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology at FOR ARCH 2017

The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology will attend the FOR ARCH 2017 fair and present the heat insulation solar glass.


The glass is very unique in the world due to it can generate solar power to supply all the energy consumption from cooling and heating system and still remain some power to feed back into grid. There is no possibility for any other Low-e glass in the world to reach this target. 


You can get more information on the product at the fair at the stand of the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in the hall 1.

2017-06-01 11:59:59 More  

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